Sunday, June 14, 2009

I have learned that writing articles is the only thing that works to build visitors to your websites!"

I just wanted to thank you and to let you know of the increase in visitors to my websites have been over the last few weeks. I've learned so much from the whole process of submitting articles. I'm always surprised at how fast a submission turnaround is.

Most helpful has been the editorial guidelines for which I refer back to. To my surprise just recently I discovered exactly how many categories there actually is one can write about. It must over five hundred, at least! And, here I've been sticking to just a couple. Even I have few more interests! With that many, there are bound to be something, anyone can write about.

Writing has not been easy for me because I've not much background in writing since my childhood days. I was an extreme outdoor guy! Imagine, me writing articles! Ha! I've come to being a home based online type, really not by choice but by a "have to" from an auto accident I had awhile back. I had been working towards home based for a couple years, but just not quite yet. So, it turned out just as well! "You never know what's going to come out of that box of chocolates, right?"

I will be sure to refer anyone that is interested in writing articles to come here first, instead of last! As far as traffic goes, articles have been the only thing that's worked for me. I look forward to my continuing success here at EzineArticles.

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